A Case for Gratitude

A Case for Gratitude

Gratitude is riches, complaint is poverty – Doris Day


As I sat and reflected on 2024, the cliché “be grateful” came to my mind, like a warning not to misbehave. Chuckling to myself, I figured I’d better sell a case for gratitude to myself if I was indeed going to behave.  Not much of a bad gal myself and given my view on life, gratitude is not a hard sell. However, I stumbled upon the saying “Gratitude is riches, complaint is poverty” by Doris Day, an American actress and singer, and it fit right into some of the lessons, I have learnt in 2024. So here goes my case;

  • Lesson 1: You are who you think you are, so think kindly and inspiringly about yourself. You can’t be who people think you are because no one can possibly fit into so many perspectives consistently. So believe what you say about yourself more than what people say about you. You would need a sprinkle of self-awareness for this and even if you’re delusional, I’d say you need a bit of craziness in this perfectly sane world. 
  • Lesson 2: Most of your dreams have come true, they just need a bit of time to unfold because life is a journey not an event. The disappointments, sufferings and uncertainty sure add color to our emotional state (maybe some shade of grey), do not be lightweight enough to be carried away by them. Laugh in the face of disappointment, be counterintuitive, be the unexpected. Give the bad days a harder time than it intends to give you, you’d be happier about things.
  • Lesson 3: Get a good night’s sleep, that way, you’re alert enough during your active moments to live your life fully. Plus, good sleep makes your stomach flatter. You’re welcome.

What does this have to do with gratitude? Oh well, if you think you’re who you want to be, your dreams have come true and your tummy has the best chance of getting flatter, you’re rich and complaints do not fit into your picture. Gratitude is the attitude that matches the atmosphere for the best version of you. The best version of you is now, gratitude is now.


Welcome to 2025, another year of conquering and blooming. 



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