The holidays plus the start of a new year gives a certain kind of energy boost, that I’m definitely leveraging on. So, while I’m out here making plans, I’m also thinking about some odd stuff. Top of mind is the japa movement and how its changing everything for me. Where is home these days? What does home even mean? Is it my people, the familiarity, and scents of places I now visit once a year? Is it the common memories, ways of doing things, art, songs, and nuances of the familiar? Is it my homeland? Would I ever be completely cut off from my homeland? If all that is in my past, can I create a new home and what would it look like?
I wish I could tell you that these are all the questions I asked myself or that I came up with surefooted responses to these questions. However, I had one firm thought; home is more inside me than it is outside me. I carry home with me and can never be completely cut off from it.
So, this year, I’m improving in ways that are more internal and personal to me rather than looking for external evidence of who I am becoming. In all the ups and downs of life, I am the most consistent and important feature. I carry within me the thoughts, the memories, the ideas, the character, the love and the faith to evolve and create my home. I’m living in one of the greatest eras of humanity. The technologies to compress space and communicate abound, the opportunities to build and nurture a variety of relationships are unlimited and possibilities for service are enormous.
I envision 2024 expectantly and though I know I’m going to have a full plate of goodness; my goal is to do two things every day; to be grateful and to think good thoughts. I wish you a year full of goodness within and without.